Vicky Walters
Hello world! My name is Vicky Yvonne and I am a 22-year-old arts fanatic that found my passion in multiple fields of this beautiful industry. My first passion, that will always be my true love, is acting. From the young age of 11, I found my home onstage in Atlanta, Georgia and have relished every life I have had the opportunity to experience onstage ever since. I hope that I will always find the joy and freedom I found the night I first performed. My next passion drives my mission which is to utilize my craft and skills to create an environment that cultivates innovative creativity around the arts, as well as abolish the lines that separate culture, race, and nations. I strive to do this by creating a space that focuses on providing high quality artistic education to young adults. I have learned through my vast, but short, 22 years, that change starts with the youth and through art, all is revealed. Dekalb School of the Arts, where I graduated from high school in 2017, created this ball of passion, talent, and dedication. North Carolina A&T, where I will soon become a graduate in 2021, gave that ball maturation and momentum. Carnegie Mellon University, where I will obtain my master’s in arts management starting in the fall of 2021, will presumably give me tangibility, certainty, and drive. Whether I am onstage, behind the scenes, on the screen, or being a driving force in my community, I hope that I continue to be inspired, become an inspiration, and change the quality of my life and others all on this world’s stage.